Is your Brand Mean Girling?

We’ve all heard of a certain popular movie making a comeback, and while mean girls are fun on screen, coming across as mean or not inclusive can be detrimental to your brand! 

A brand can come off as mean or offensive in various ways, intentionally or unintentionally. Here are some common scenarios:

  • Disrespectful Or Offensive Advertising: If a brand's advertising or marketing campaigns use language, imagery, or themes that are disrespectful, offensive, or disrespectful toward certain groups of people, it can create a negative perception of the brand.

  • Insensitive Social Media Posts: Inappropriate or insensitive posts on social media platforms can quickly damage a brand's reputation. Whether it's a controversial opinion, a poorly timed joke, or an off-putting response to a sensitive issue, brands need to be mindful of how their social media presence can be perceived by their audience.

Worried about your Social media etiquette? Check out these tips!

  • Aggressive Marketing Tactics: Brands that use aggressive or pushy marketing tactics, such as spamming customers with excessive emails or pop-up ads, can be seen as intrusive and inconsiderate of consumers' time and privacy.

  • Thoughtless Product Naming or Packaging: Sometimes, brands may inadvertently create products or packaging that have inappropriate cultural or social connotations that they may not have considered. Did you see the latest Valentine’s promo? Oopsie is right!

  • Negative Brand Persona: Brands that cultivate a persona or image that is outwardly confrontational, sarcastic, or controversial may appeal to some audiences but can also alienate others who find their tone mean-spirited or offensive. You don’t want to make your audience feel like you’re saying, “You can’t sit with us!”

Brands can come off as mean through their communication, actions, and overall behavior if they fail to consider the sensitivities and values of their audience. 

Let’s face it, it’s plain unattractive to be perceived as untouchable or you make people feel like you're unapproachable. If you give off the vibe that your business prioritizes short-term gains over long-term relationships and reputation, it’s cringy at best.

In 2024, brands must be empathetic, respectful, and mindful of how their words and actions may be perceived by their audience. It doesn’t mean you can’t have fun online, but the key is to REALLY get to know your audience, put in the work, and speak to them the way they want to be spoken to. Teach them the way they want to be taught. That’s so fetch!

Feeling unsure about your brand’s core values, target audience, and unique selling points? Then, the Do-It-Yourself Branding Audit is for you, grab your free copy along with lots more in the DIY Digital Marketing Bundle. If you’re finding it difficult to create a consistent brand identity and a cohesive brand message, it’s time to create the certainty you crave.

Having a clear and genuine idea of what your brand should be, will make all the difference to how your customers perceive and relate to your brand!

Need help defining your personal brand? Set up a Fit Call, and let’s chat! 

Listen to hear how Tiffany helped Kat Polsinelli - coach, speaker, podcaster rebrand herself and her business!

Tiffany N. Lewis

Compelling content creator transforming your business offerings into more meaningful marketing pieces

When is personal branding too personal?


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